The Art of Destiny
Mario Calabresi & Alessandro D'avenia - Discover how Alessandro D’Avenia and Mario Calabresi explore the profound connection between destiny and career, nostalgia for the future, and the importance of slowing down to find meaning in a fast-paced world.
A Radical Identity
Julián Carrón - Explore the essence of Jesus' identity, reflecting on the profound question of who He is. Discover the challenge posed to those seeking true fulfillment and the significance of losing one's life for His sake and the Gospel.
How the Ultimate Questions Arise
Julián Carrón - This article captures key insights into living life with fullness, awareness, and the religious sense as taught by Father Luigi Giussani. This presentation, held in Italy on August 29th, 2024, in Calcio - Italy.
Like Snow in the Sun
Simone Riva - Explore the fleeting nature of life, the illusion of control, and the importance of embracing true passions and needs in this thought-provoking article inspired by the film "Meet Joe Black."
The Mystery of Evil
Maurizio Maggiani - There are abysses in the soul that no educational system is capable of filling, no police force can prevent. We adults think we have the keys to understand everything ...
The Gift of Hearing
Michiel Peeters - Unlocking the power of our original experience and heart to navigate life’s most profound truths and recognize beauty, truth, and goodness through our fundamental human needs.
The Journey to True Freedom
Julián Carrón - A dialogue during vacation explores the themes of freedom, love, and the heart's true fulfillment, emphasizing breaking free from routine to live with wonder and purpose.
Don’t You Miss Me?
Julian Carrón — Discover this deep dialogue with Julián Carrón on loneliness, sadness, and the human desire for fullness. A text of a meeting in which Julián Carrón dialogues with friends who spent a few days of vacation in Galicia.
Seeing With New Eyes
Julián Carrón - We can imagine the backlash from all those in the people of Israel who heard these words with which the first reading begins: "Say to those of a fearful heart, 'Take courage, do not fear! Here is your God. He comes to save you.'"
Awakened by the Stars
Lorenzo Albacete † - This excerpt from Albacete's book "Relevance of the Stars" delves into the profound relationship between reason, affectivity, and faith, using an allegory of stars to explore human experience, ethics, and love.
Is There a Place For Our Questions?
Simone Riva - This article explores the disconnect between traditional education and the profound questions young people face, drawing parallels between literary figures and contemporary artists who have dared to voice forbidden words.
Seeking the Essential
Costantino Esposito - Human Nature as a Question of Meaning" was the title of the dialogue moderated by the journalist Davide Perillo that took place on the afternoon of August 22, between Andrea Bellantone, of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse, and the philosopher Aldo Moro of the University of Bari.
Mary’s Turmoil
Simone Riva - Delve into the Virgin Mary's birthday, exploring her human fears and divine calling. Discover insights on faith, family, and the profound impact of Mary's "yes" to God.
Be Open to Thrive
Michiel Peeters - Discover how Jesus’ healing touch opens our hearts, minds, and humanity, allowing us to thrive together in faith and truth. A journey with young adults in college.
The Intensity of the Instant
Simone Riva - The Intensity of the Instant: a Journey of Gratitude and Self-Discovery. Discover the transformative power of embracing life's everyday moments and recognizing the Presence within ourselves and others.
Troubled Young Man, the Mystery within us.
Simone Riva - The day I earn it with toil / between the two shores that do not resolve, / unsolved myself for life / ... and no one helps me,” so Alda Merini in her poem "Il gobbo" written in 1948...
Hope and Purpose in Education
Hans van Mourik Broekman - Explore Hans van Mourik Broekman's heartfelt address to educators rediscovering hope, purpose, and personal fulfillment in teaching.
Empty Shelves, Full Hearts
Simone Riva - A thought-provoking reflection on the emptiness of formalism and the true nature of faith, inspired by the unusual act of a man buying out a bookstore's window display.
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