Will I Be On the Right Side?
Simone Riva - The words of the prophet Jeremiah invite us to become aware of ourselves. In whom do we truly trust? In the Lord or the idol of ourselves?
The Unforseen Catch
Julián Carrón - God's glory transforms unworthiness, empowering us to become His witnesses.
Beyond Clones
Simone Riva - The power Christ has chosen for himself is that of the unveiling of hearts: before him, and with ourselves, we cannot cheat.
A Journey of Discovery
Michiel Peeters - Like Simeon and Anna, longing for God allows us to recognize His presence and radiate His light.
The Ripple Effect
Michiel Peeters - What if true belonging came from recognizing something exceptional in another person? This is what happened with Jesus. People saw something different in him, which sparked a movement that continues to unite people today.
The Gaze of Faith
Julián Carrón - God's presence, tangible in Jesus, continues through believers, inspiring awe and transformation.
The Surprise Of Not Knowing Each Other
Marco Pozza - The return to Nazareth was not easy for Christ, who had to deal with the prejudices of the villagers.
The Best Wine
Pierluigi Banna - Jesus transforms anxiety and limitations into opportunities, offering "better wine" for coping with life's challenges.
Finding Life in the Midst of Hell
Eliana De Martis - There are many noble ways to defend life. One of them is just being there for each other and giving hope to a Christian life that already gives much, even when everything seems lost.
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