The Anchor
Simone Riva - Feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of daily life? Is it possible to find the still point in a turbulent world and rediscover peace and meaning amidst the storm?
The End of the World and the Beginning of Hope
Michiel Peeters - As the liturgical year ends, let's reflect on Christ's Second Coming. Though the world may pass away, His words and presence endure.
The Tidings Brought to Mary
Mariella Carlotti - This introduction offers a thought-provoking glimpse into the world of Paul Claudel's renowned play, "The Tidings Brought to Mary." Prepare to delve into a realm where faith, sacrifice, and the complexities of human nature intertwine.
The Essential or the Superfluous?
Simone Riva - Are you living for the essential or the superfluous? A powerful reflection on the poor widow's offering and what it means to truly give.
Seeing Beyond Appearances
Michiel Peeters - Christ has come to educate man on religiosity, to perceive and acknowledge the Mystery in daily circumstances, so that he could live as a human being, child of the One True Parent, in every moment.
Unmasking Evil Beyond The Surface
Julián Carrón | Claudio Burgio - the inherent mystery and depth of the human person, suggesting that true fulfillment cannot be found in material possessions or superficial solutions.
Come, it’s ready!
Simone Riva - Explore the profound questions of life, death, and eternity raised by a fifth-grade class. Discover the invitation to a life filled with meaning and purpose, and how to avoid the excuses that keep us from truly living.
The Kingdom Within
Michiel Peeters - Explore the profound meaning of Jesus's response to the scribe's question about the greatest commandment.
The Presence That Conquers Death
Michiel Peeters - Discover how embracing our finitude can lead to a deeper appreciation for life and a greater hope for what lies beyond.
All Saints: Surrending Longing Hearts
Simone Riva - Come, for I miss you. This All Saints' Day, we explore holiness as the heart’s cry for God’s presence, a desire to be united with the divine mystery.
Bartimeus: When Seeing is not Enough
Julián Carrón - Bartimaeus must have woken up that day like any other day, with the usual prospect of going begging…
From Dialectics to Life
Elia Carrai - “Life took the place of dialectics.” I believe that these words can introduce us to identifying the opportunities of the historical moment in which we are immersed, what Pope Francis defines as a “change of era”..
The World Does Not Know Us
Simone Riva - All of us have had the experience of not being understood. Father Julián Carrón described this dynamic well: "When you have a problem or you're confused and you don't know where to turn, you can't get out of the tunnel; you have to look for someone.
I Am My Heart
Simone Riva - When I enter the classroom, it is all about writing. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "I'm transcribing the paper, then I'll have her read it."
The Power of Desire
Michiel Peeters - Bar-Timaeus’ desire for healing shows us the more profound journey toward true human fulfillment.
Dilexit Nos
Elia Carrai - Pope Francis' encyclical letter “Dilexit nos,” “He loved us,” has been published. Christ's heart seeks and waits for ours unceasingly.
The Challenge of Nihilism to the Crisis of the New Time
Costantino Esposito - Is nihilism the new normal? This article explores the crisis of meaning in our times and offers a path toward rediscovering purpose in a world seemingly devoid of it.
Do Not Be Afraid
Simone Riva - 45 years ago today, a pope 'from a distant country' broke tradition with three words that changed everything: 'Do not be afraid!'
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